Lemick project site
Code examples

Example 1: A small GUI application in Lemick implementing a very simple calculator.


use io.console, lang.math, lgwc

class CalcFrame extends Frame

    private class CalcButton extends Button

	public const CBUT_DIGIT = 1, CBUT_OP = 2, CBUT_SPEC = 3

	public const COP_ADD = 1, COP_SUB = 2, COP_MUL = 3,
		     COP_EVL = 4, COP_NEG = 5, COP_PNT = 6,
		     COP_DIV = 7, COP_POW = 8, COP_SQR = 9,
		     COP_MOD = 10   
	public flag as Integer
	public opcode as Integer
	public final sub New(d as Integer) 
	    = new Button(d +> String, 35, 35)
	    opcode = d
	    flag = CBUT_DIGIT
	end sub
	public final sub New(op as String, opc as Integer) 
	    = new Button(op, 35, 35)
	    opcode = opc
	    flag = CBUT_OP
	end sub
	public final sub New(flg as Integer, opc as Integer, op as String) 
	    = new Button(op, 35, 35)
	    opcode = opc
	    flag = flg
	end sub
    end class

    xtext as TextInput
    reg() as Single
    creg as Integer
    cop as Integer
    pnt as Integer
    reset as Integer

    public sub Initialize
	reg = new(3) as Single
	creg = 0
	pnt = 0
	xtext = new TextInput("0")
	xtext.Width = this.Width - 4

	i = 0
	for x = 0 to 2
	    for y = 0 to 2
		i = i + 1
		addControl new CalcButton(i), y*40 + 2, x*40 + 30

	addControl new CalcButton(0), 40 + 2, 120 + 30

	addControl new CalcButton(CalcButton.CBUT_SPEC, CalcButton.COP_NEG, "+/-"),  2, 120 + 30
	addControl new CalcButton(CalcButton.CBUT_SPEC, CalcButton.COP_PNT, "."),  80 + 2, 120 + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("+", CalcButton.COP_ADD), 3*40 + 2, 30
	addControl new CalcButton("-", CalcButton.COP_SUB), 3*40 + 2, 40  + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("*", CalcButton.COP_MUL), 3*40 + 2, 80  + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("=", CalcButton.COP_EVL), 3*40 + 2, 120 + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("/", CalcButton.COP_DIV), 4*40 + 2, 30
	addControl new CalcButton("^", CalcButton.COP_POW), 4*40 + 2, 40  + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("sqr", CalcButton.COP_SQR), 4*40 + 2, 80  + 30
	addControl new CalcButton("mod", CalcButton.COP_MOD), 4*40 + 2, 120 + 30

	this.addControl xtext, 2, 2
	this.Top = 300
	this.Left = 50
	this.Visible  = True

    end sub
    public sub EventsListener(msg as EventMessage)
	dim cbut as CalcButton

	if msg.Sender is CalcButton then
	    cbut = msg.Sender ?> CalcButton

	    select case cbut.flag
		case CalcButton.CBUT_DIGIT
		    if reset then reg(creg) = 0 : reset = 0
		    if pnt then 
			reg(creg) = reg(creg) + pow(10, -pnt) * cbut.opcode
			pnt = pnt + 1
			reg(creg) = reg(creg) * 10 + cbut.opcode
		    end if
		    xtext.Text = reg(creg) +> String

		case CalcButton.CBUT_OP
		    creg = (creg + 1) mod 2
		    pnt = 0
		    if creg == 0 then
			select case cop
			    case CalcButton.COP_ADD
				reg(0) = reg(0) + reg(1)
			    case CalcButton.COP_SUB
				reg(0) = reg(0) - reg(1)
			    case CalcButton.COP_MUL
				reg(0) = reg(0) * reg(1)
			    case CalcButton.COP_DIV
				reg(0) = reg(0) / reg(1)
			    case CalcButton.COP_POW
				reg(0) = pow(reg(0), reg(1))
			    case CalcButton.COP_SQR
				reg(0) = pow(reg(0), 1.0/reg(1))
			    case CalcButton.COP_MOD
				reg(0) = reg(0) mod reg(1)
			end select
			reg(1) = 0
		    end if
		    cop = cbut.opcode
		    reset = 1
		    xtext.Text = reg(creg) +> String
		case CalcButton.CBUT_SPEC
		    select case cbut.opcode
			case CalcButton.COP_NEG
			    reg(creg) = -reg(creg)
			case CalcButton.COP_PNT
			    Println "POINT!"
			    if not pnt then pnt = 1
		    end select
		    xtext.Text = reg(creg) +> String
	    end select
	    select case msg.MsgType
		case EventMessage.MSG_DESTROY
	    end select	
	end if
    end sub

end class

dim window as Frame = new CalcFrame("Lemick sample calc", 200, 188)

Example 2: Statistical problem solution and related graphics using OpenGL module.

Use io.console, lang.math, lemgl

Dim As Shared Double 
	istart(10) = { 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125 },
	  imid(10) = { 82.5, 87.5, 92.5, 97.5, 102.5, 107.5, 112.5, 117.5, 122.5, 127.5 },
	    sm(10) = { 7, 11, 15, 24, 49, 41, 26, 17, 7, 3 },
	    sf(10) = { 0.035, 0.055, 0.075, 0.120, 0.245, 0.205, 0.130, 0.085, 0.035, 0.015 },
	   sfa(10) = { 0.035, 0.090, 0.165, 0.285, 0.530, 0.735, 0.865, 0.950, 0.985, 1 }

Dim As Shared Double N = 200, K = 10, H = 5, Alpha = 0.05

Dim As Shared Double m_mexp, m_disp, m_disp_q, m_G

Function MExp As Double
	For i = 0 To K - 1
	    me = me + sm(i) * imid(i)
	me = me / N
End Function

Function Disp As Double
    Dim As Double s1 = 0, s2 = 0

	For i = 0 To K - 1
	    s1 = s1 + sm(i) * imid(i) * imid(i)
	For i = 0 To K - 1
	    s2 = s2 + sm(i) * imid(i)
	me = (1.0 / (N - 1.0)) * (s1 - (1.0 / N) * s2 * s2)
End Function

Function FGaussDen(x As Double) As Double
	me = (1.0 / sqrt(2.0*PI)) * exp(-pow(x, 2.0)/2.0)
End Function

Function mtheo(x As Integer) As Double
	me = (N * H / m_disp) * FGaussDen((imid(x) - m_mexp) / m_disp)
End Function

Function gauss_quantil(q As Double) As Double
    Dim a As Single, t As Single
    Dim As Double c0, c1, c2, d1, d2, d3

	c0 = 2.515517: c1 = 0.8028538: c2 = 0.01032
	d1 = 1.432788: d2 = 0.189269:  d3 = 0.001308

	a = 1.0 - q
	t = sqrt(log(pow(a, -2.0)))

	me = t - (c0 + c1*t + c2*t*t)/(1 + d1*t + d2*t*t + d3*t*t*t)
End Function

Function hi_q(v As Double, q As Double) As Double
	me = v * pow(1.0D - (2.0D/(9.0D*v)) + gauss_quantil(q)*sqrt(2.0D/(9.0D*v)), 3.0)
End Function

m_mexp   = MExp()
m_disp_q = Disp()
m_disp   = sqrt(m_disp_q)

Println "Exp    = " + m_mexp
Println "Disp^2 = " + m_disp_q
Println "Disp   = " + m_disp

m_G = 0
For i = 0 To K - 1
    m_G = m_G + pow(sm(i) - mtheo(i), 2) / mtheo(i)

Println "g      = " + m_G

Println "hi_q   = " + hi_q(7, 0.95)

Dim sf2(10) As Double

For i = 0 To K - 1
    sf2(i) = sf(i) / 5.0

GLInit "Lab2 charts", 10, 10, 600, 400

GLLineChart "freqs hist", sf2, 10, 1
GLLineChart "freqs rel diag", sf, 10, 0
GLLineChart "freqs abs diag", sm, 10, 0





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All the information from this site can be used without any restrictions provided the reference to this site is included.
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